Sam Skinner
Torque 2
Torque 1
Brighton Greenway
Branch Lines
Thamesmead Arts Festival
War Primer 2
Produced in collaboration with Nathan Jones. Symposium at FACT exploring how and what we read today, with Katherine Hayles, Garrett Stewart, Esther Leslie, Nina Power, Soenke Zehle, Alex Leff, Stephen fortune and Hannah Proctor. Videos available on Artplayer.tv
Performance event at Static Gallery with Tim Etchells, Anna Barham and James Wilkes.
Newspaper ‘book sprint’ event at Tate Liverpool – producing the Opticon newspaper on surveillance and privacy with contributions from over 100 gallery visitors, 10 poets and talks by artist Erica Scourti and professor of social media Christian Fuchs. 5000 copies printed and distributed across Liverpool.
Exhibition at Furtherfield Gallery, London, entitled being being read being reading being read and reading beings comprising an archive of the project to date, work by Tim Etchells, Anna Barham and James Wilkes, and new works by Jones and Skinner comprising screen prints, animations and interactive speed reading software. Accompanying performance programme with Tim Etchells, Alex McClean, Mez Breeze and Claire Potter.
Publication Torque #2 The Act of Reading – with contributions from all project participants. Designed by Mark Simmonds.
Development of project website .
I’m an artist and producer currently doing a PhD between FACT, Liverpool and MIRIAD, Manchester School of Art, on reinventing the old Liverpool Observatory. The project works through ideas and activities linked to community, information and new materialist philosophy.
Other recent projects explore interplay between mind, language, technology and place - working in collaboration with others and materialising in various forms - from street furniture to posters, typefaces to symposia, books to workshops.
I am on Working Group I of the COST Action on New Materialism and have a BA (LJMU) and MA (Sussex) in Art History.
Please contact me at:
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